Target allows you full control over where you would like to position your stacks. You can target the stack to position itself on top of its parent stack. You can also position it relative to the browser window so that it always floats in the same exact location. You can float the content to the left or right. Lastly, Target can even rotate your content! This is your one stop shop for stack positioning.
Target is the best solution for overlaying content on top of each other.
Target is the best way to place content exactly where you want to put it!
Customize the position of your content based on as many breakpoints as you want.
Pin your content to any edge of the browser's window.
When Target is pinned to the edge of the browser, it can auto hide itself as you scroll down the page. Once you start scrolling back up, it will animate back into view.
Target allows you to do floating layouts. This is perfect for a row of buttons or social icons.
When the content of Target is scroll out of the viewport, it can dock to the browser wherever you want it.
Target integrates with the Call to Action stack. This allows you to display Target based on any of the numerous triggers supported by CTA.
{{{ summary }}}
Target has an external demo .
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"When I want to put something in its place, I let Target do the heavy lifting. Very easy to use and complete with the bells and whistles we have come to expect from Joe's stacks. I particularly like the "Visualize Target in Preview" feature; it removes any guess work from the process."