Glider presents a unique approach to showcasing your content. It generates a concealed container that smoothly slides out from the edge of the page upon the user's request. You can customize the container to open on any side of the browser window. Additionally, it's fully responsive, ensuring that it appears stunning on any device, from mobile to desktop.
Glider is a great way to hide content that can be easily shown by clicking on an icon.
The container can be configured to open on any side of the browser window.
Provides an optimal viewing experience - easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling - across a wide range of devices.
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Glider has an external demo .
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"This is a fantastic stack. Easy to use with an enormous effect. In just a few clicks you have information popping up wherever you need it. Great for displaying relevant information to users as they need it. For example an introduction to your page."