The client had an existing Wordpress site where he could maintain the text but which went haywire when he tried to load new images. The old site looked dull and clunky and the client wanted a fresh, vibrant feel and a site that speaks to quality. He wanted to use his own images, not stock images and there were enough of his own that with, a little bit of enhancement I felt could serve quite well. He was interested in some transparent icons so I started to create some, for the first time, using Logoist 3. They appear over the full width image of the helicopter on the Home page and are SVG images in Tav's Blueprint SVG stack. I don't quite know how but the icon of a glass, when hovered over, the cherry turns red, although its a bit small to see.I used the Blueprint stacks a lot, especially to control the width on different devices, using percentage widths.TCMS Blog is used to drive the blog and I'm hoping that the client is going to get blogging. He seems to understand the usefulness of it for SEO.A couple of days ago Marten Claridge released his Maximal Design modules and I've retrofitted a couple into the pages. They look great on a large screen, their value is less obvious on a phone I think. In a couple of places on the Home page I have used the idea of Blueprint Sidebar with an image as the background to the Aside section with Borders and Shadows set so that the image appears to hover. Using this set of stacks its quite easy to get the image centralised vertically against the text in the Content section.On the Executive Chauffeur page I have used Marten's module that appears as a grid of 12 images where the top and bottom rows see through to a larger image behind. I'm not sure my images are of as good a quality as in the original but its an interesting effect, although it doesn't work very well on mobile or tablet so for me its a desktop only option. I would also worry a bit about the size of the page with all those images this bit needs, loading onto a phone.
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