The Post View Page
setting inside the Blog Form stack is a very important setting for the Blog. This URL is used in order to generate the links to a blog post. It controls the following:
You need to be sure that this setting is set to the right page. The page it should be set to is the page that you have set up to be the Blog Post page (to learn more about the Blog Post page, see the 15:21 mark of this YouTube Video). If this is setup wrong, all of the important linking mentioned above will be broken.
If you did mistakenly set these up wrong, you will have to either edit an existing post and save it or create a new blog post. This will save the URL into the CMS. It may take 1-2 days for some social media sites to update your sharing links. They tend to heavily cache data.
Now go forth and make your websites great!
Prior to the Total CMS v1.2.7 update, the Post View Page setting was configured in multiple stacks (primarily in the Blog List and Blog Form stacks). However, many users were only setting this inside the Blog List stack and completely ignoring the setting in the Blog Form stack.
This meant that a lot of the important behind the scenes linking was completely broken on many sites (rss, sitemap, social). Because these links are not apart of making the blog functional on the website, these issues could take months to surface. Not good.
This is why in the v1.2.7 update, I removed the Post View Page setting from the Blog List stack and made the only location for it inside the Blog Form stack. This means that if you did not properly setup the setting inside the form stack previously, your links to blog posts were now broken on your site. Simply follow the instructions above to resolve your issue.
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