Basic Setup

Sweet Button Stack

  1. When you drag your Sweet Button Stack out, you will see the above stack appear on your page.
  2. Now you will have to make some decisions. First, what is this button for. This stack is very powerful and is more than just a button for links. You can also use this button to submit a form. For our example, we will leave the settings the way it is, a link button. If you do use this the button as a form submit button, you do not want to change the Link setting, leave it as javascript:void(0)
  3. Now you will want to set your link. Click on the Set Link button and you will see the standard Rapidweaver link dialog box come up on your screen.
    Rapidweaver Link Diaglog Box
    Type in your link, and click the Set Link button.
  4. Other settings in the setup section include; Cursor (choose what the cursor looks like when someone mouses over the button), Position, Icon Position, Text Alignment, Font Family, Round Corners, Padding, Text Size, Mobile Text Size, Show Drop Shadow, Blur of the Drop Shadow, Fixed Width (Button Width), and Form Submit (discussed earlier).
  5. You can choose if the button has animation or not. We have lots of animations, please see the stack settings. You can the animation to repeat and how long of a delay and how fast the animation is.
  6. Now, Sweet Button can have two different states, a Normal State and a Clicked State. Normal state is how the button looks before it is clicked, and that is the next setting section. Here you can choose your style of the button, icon (if you have that turned on), border size, border color, border hover, button color, text color and if you want a text shadow. A note about the icons. There is a list of 24 icons, and also a custom choice. If you choose the Custom Icon, you then can enter the icon name. The stack uses Font Awesome. Currently it only uses Font Awesome 3, but Joe will be updating it to Font Awesome 4 soon. Click to see a list of Font Awesome Icons
  7. The Clicked State settings are exactly the same as the Normal State, except the option at the beginning to turn the Custom Click State on. If you want to use a custom clicked state, check that box at the beginning.
  8. One thing Sweet Button has that most other button stacks do not, is the option to enable Event Tracking with Google. If you want to use this, you need to turn it on by checking the check box. You will then get new options in the settings. The first new setting is Category. This is the name you supply for the group of objects you want to track (this is required). The next new setting is Action. Action is a string that is uniquely paired with each category, and commonly used to define the type of user interaction for the web object. The last new setting is called Label. Label is an optional string to provide additional dimensions to the event data.

Now you have a basic understanding of the stack and settings of the Sweet Button stack. We hope you enjoyed this FAQ, now go forth and make your websites great!

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