Linking to Social Networks with Share It Circles

The Share It stack was mainly made to make it easier for people visiting your website to share it with their friends on all of the social networks. Some of the social networks do not offer sharing opportunities (Instagram is one of these), but you might want to link to your Instagram page. Follow the instructions below to link to a social network instead of allowing your visitor to share your site.

  1. Add the social icons to you want to link to in your Share It Circles stack. Below I have added Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

    Share It Circle Stack with Icons

  2. Click on the icon you want to set. Go to the stack settings and down ShareIt - Share Setup and look for the Share Attributes settings. Click on Automatic and you will be given 3 choices. Choose Link to URL**.

    Share It Stack Settings

  3. When you choose Link to URL your settings will change. You will be presented with an option to link to a URL, put in the URL to the social network of your choice and click set.

    Share It Stack Settings

Now the Share It Circles stack will link to your favorite social network!

Now go forth and make your websites great!

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