Foundation Theme mismatch issues

If you are seeing the Foundation theme not applied or the Foundation version mismatch errors, here are some possible fixes.

  1. Be sure to get the latest version of the Foundation Theme. Then drag and drop the theme onto the RapidWeaver icon. You can also install it by holding down the option & command keys and pressing 7. This will open the RapidWeaver folder. You can drop the Foundation.rwtheme into the Themes folder (you might have to restart RapidWeaver for the theme to show up).

    RapidWeaver Addons Folder

  2. Be sure you do not have more than 1 Foundation.rwtheme installed in the themes folder. Use the method listed above (option-command-7) to open the RapidWeaver addons folder. Find the Themes folder and open that up. Search for Foundation. If you have more than one, get info on both of them and delete the one that is not the latest version.

    Foundation Theme Info

  3. Make sure you have the Screens Styles stack added to your RapidWeaver project.

    Screens Styles Stack

  4. We have had some reports that RapidWeaver is not installing the theme in the correct folder. Use the keystrokes mentioned above (option-command-7) to see if the Foundation theme is installed in Themes folder in the RapidWeaver addons folder. If it is not there, then redownload the theme leaving this folder open and drop the theme in it when it downloads.

  5. Make sure the Foundation is your chosen theme in the Theme Drawer.

    RapidWeaver Theme Drawer

  6. If none of the above ideas work, try these as a last resort. Restart RapidWeaver and if that does not work, restart your computer.

Hope this helps with any issues you maybe having, if not send in a ticket to our support email!!

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