Content Strategies with Screens

Screens is really not meant to hold tons of data on each page. The reason for this is that the content within a Screens page must fit within the confines of the browser window. Therefore, content can be cut off if you place too much on the page. There are a few things that you can do to make this a little better.

Autoscale (does not perform miracles)

Screens Auto Scale Page Stack Setting

Autoscale does a wonderful job of scaling the size of your text down so that it will fit within a Screen Page on most browser sizes. However, while autoscale works lovely, it can be abused. It will not help you cram 5 pages of content into 1.

Disable SnapScroll on Mobile

Screens Normal Scroll Setting

This is actually the default behavior for Screens. On mobile devices, the snapscroll effect will be disabled and each Screens Page will grow to reach the height of its content. This way all of your content can be seen on mobile devices.

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