Power Grid - Customizing multiple Power Grid stacks on one page

So you have mutliple Power Grid stacks on a page, but want them to have different widths for each different stack. Follow the instructions below.

  1. Get the CSS Box stack, it is a free stack, you can get it here
  2. Put the CSS Box stack onto your page:
  3. Check the Custom ID checkbox and enter a custom ID for your CSS Box stack. We suggest you use something like table-1 (notice the dash, do NOT put spaces between words)
  4. The put in the Power Grid stack and the set up the content and settings, like so:
  5. Then open the Page Inspector and enter this CSS code (adjust the percentages to your liking): #table-1 .col0 { width: 15%; }
    #table-1 .col1 { width: 50%; }
    #table-1 .col2 { width: 35%; }
  6. Now repeat for all of the Power Grid stacks you have on the page. Just be sure to change the Custom ID for each one.

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