Power Grid CSV Basic Setup

Power Grid CSV in a Stacks Page

  1. When you drag your Powet Grid CSV Stack out, you will see the above stack appear on your page.

  2. There is nothing to edit in the stack contents, you will do all of the configuring in stacks settings. The only thing that you can do in the content area is to turn on the CSV cheat sheet. When you do, you will see this:

    Power Grid CSV Cheat Sheet

  3. You need to link to an actual CSV file. CSV files can be made with any Spreadsheet app, like Numbers or Excel. Once you have your CSV file ready, you need to be able to link to it. This can be one of two ways.

Using your host server.

The instructions here will show you how to upload your CSV file to your host (basic understanding of an FTP app is required) and link to it in the Stack settings.

  1. Get any FTP app (below is a short list, if you check on the Mac App Store, there are a lot).


  2. Login to your server using the FTP App.

  3. This next step is a suggestion. Make a folder for your CSV files. It can be called warehouse, csv, assets or anything similar. We suggest you keep the name lowercase and do NOT use spaces, but use a dash instead of a space. We make an asset folder and then insie of the asset folder we make a csv folder. This is so we can use the asset folder for images, movies, pdfs and other files that we want to warehouse on our server. This folder should be on the root of your web host.

  4. Now you will need to get the URL for the file. Some of the FTP apps allow you to enter the URL for your website, but we will not go into those instructions here. If the app does allow that, you can usually control click on the file and get the URL for that file. If your app does not get this, you can get the URL very easily. For example, let's say we made a csv file we called car-types.csv. We put this in a folder called csv that is in a folder called assets on the root of our server. Let's say our URL for our website is http://www.old-cars.com, the URL for our CSV file is the following:


  5. Now that you know the URL to your CSV file, you need to enter that URL into the Power Grid Stack Settings. You do this by clicking ont he Set Link button in the settings.

    Power Grid CSV Stack Settings

  6. When you click on the button you will see the Set Link Sheet drop down from the top of the RapidWeaver screen. Enter the URL into the sheet and click Set Link to set it.

    RapidWeaver Set Link Sheet

  7. Now you can preview you page and you should see the CSV file make a table on your RapidWeaver page.

Using RapidWeaver Resources

The instructions below will show you how to add your CSV file to the RapidWeaver Resources area (RapidWeaver 7) and use the resources as a link.

  1. You put the resources on the left side of RapidWeaver, in what is called the Source List. You can see an area called Resources and it tells you to Drag In Files....

    RapidWeaver Source List

  2. Just drag and drop your CSV file into the Resources area, and it will look like this:

    RapidWeaver Source List with a Resource dropped in

  3. Once you have dropped the file into the resources, you can click on it and and look at the resource inside of RapidWeaver. This will give you some important information you need. Look for the Copy URL button and click on it. This is what you need to set in the stack settings.

    Viewing a Resource in RapidWeaver

  4. Now let's link to the resource. Again, you need to click on the Set Link button in the stack settings.
    Power Grid CSV Stack Settings

  5. When you click on the button you will see the Set Link Sheet drop down from the top of the RapidWeaver screen. Enter the URL into the sheet and click Set Link to set it.

    RapidWeaver Set Link Sheet

  6. Now, you will need to publish your page so the resource can be published on the server and will be located at the URL.

  7. Now visit your published page and you should see the table on your site.

Now go forth and make your websites great!

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