Chances are that the account that you have setup does not have the proper permissions to create the database tables. Please follow the below steps in order to get things working.
I know that this seems obvious but pleas double check your database name, username and password.
Add the following to the end of the page url: ?action=add&
Depending on your server settings this could spit out some errors onto the webpage that could help you pinpoint the solution.
Some database setups will not allow the stack to create the tables. However, below are the two SQL statements that will need to be ran in order to create the tables yourself. Paste these into your MySQL manager to create the tables.
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS active_mailing (last_name varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, first_name varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, email varchar(50) NOT NULL, customone varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, customtwo varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (email));
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ignore_mailing (last_name varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, first_name varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, email varchar(50) NOT NULL, customone varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, customtwo varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (email));
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