Peek-A-Boo Basic Setup

  1. When you drag your Peek-A-Boo Stack out, you will see the above stack appear on your page.
  2. Drop the content you want to have hidden by the Peek-A-Boo stack, it can be any kind of content you want. Just be sure not to have any audio or video auto play.
  3. You need to adjust some settings. The first is to make a Launch-ID. This is an important setting for configuring your launcher. Other settings would be the height of the opening, if you want it to have sizing for mobile devices, trigger effects, easing effects, and inset shadow settings. Another cool setting is the Custom Launcher Text, which will change the text from, for example, Open to Close, if that is what you have set for those values. Be sure to check out the Demo Project File
  4. Now you need to decide on a launcher. It can be anything, an image, text, you just need to be sure you have the settings set right. Notice the screenshot below:

    You need to make the URL javascript:void(0), then you need to add some custom attributes. The first is a class, which will have the value of peek-a-boo, the second is data-pab, which will have the value of the Launch-ID that you set in the Peek-A-Boo settings. You can also use the PAB Launcher Stack:

    Which will make whatever you put in this stack a launcher. You just need to set the Launcher-ID in the PAB Launcher Settings.
  5. Now preview and enjoy! For an overview of the remaining settings please refer to the Peek-A-Boo Settings section.

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