A lot of people use to use a great little web utility for RapidWeaver called WeaverDetect. Unfortunately, it seems, along with WeaverAddons, that it is now dead. The information you seek is still available for you to find though, you just have to know where to look. Follow these instructions and you will know what is on a site.
First go to Safari's preferences:
Click on the Advanced Tab and look at the bottom. Click on the box marked Show Develop menu in menu bar.
Next, open a website and control click (right click) on the page. You can specifically click on what you want to find out about.
When you control click you will see a menu appear. Find Inspect Element and click. When you do this the bottom portion of your screen will change to the Page Inspector (all browsers have this, so you do not have to do it in Safari, I just like their inspector better). You can adjust the height of the inspector if it is too small or too big for your screen.
Now, if you are just looking to find the theme, you want to find the area marked .... There will be a small triangle next to the pointing to the right, click on it and you will see the head area expand, like this:
Once you have the head opened, you want to look for certain terms, like [b]ra_common[/b]. These will tell you certain elements being used, one being the theme, as you can see here:
it shows rw_common/themes/foundation meaning the theme is Foundation.
Again, if you click on specific things, let's try the button on the Foundation site that says "Free Theme"
It will bring you to the stack being used, as you can see it is a Foundation button stack.
Joe also has a very old Weavercast on the Inspector in Safari, even though it is old, most of the inspector is still the same, take a view of it here.
Now go forth and make your websites great!
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