When you drag Jack Stack out, you’ll see the above stack appear on your page.
Jack is a very extensive stack, there is so much you can do with it, please look at these other FAQs for how to use it in these ways.
a. How do I make a framed image with Jack?
b. How do I make an image circular?
There are lots of things you can do with Jack, and lots of settings.
a. Layout settings - This will determine the layout of the content in Jack, there are alignment settings, width, static height and width, margins and padding settings. We do suggest, if you put anything in Jack, that you use the Jack margin and padding settings and not the default Stacks settings.
b. Border settings - There are a lot of border settings you can use. You can even use a border image. Again, if you put something in Jack, and want to add a border, use the border settings in the Jack stack and not the default Stacks border settings.
c. Background settings - Offers you many cool features for backgrounds, color, image, or gradients. If you are going to add a background to something in stack, you should use the Jack background settings and not the default Stacks settings.
d. Shadow settings - Two types of shadows are offered with Jack, Drop and Inset.
e. On Hover Border settings - You can make the borders set with Jack hover on mouseover. There are lots of different animations to choose from and other settings to use.
f. On Hover Background settings - You can make the backgrounds of Jack hover on mouseover. Lots of animation effects and options to use.
g. On Hover Shadows settings - You can have the shadows of Jack hover on mouseover. Animation choices and settings available for both drop shadow and inset shadow.
h. Advanced settings - z-index, hover triggers, custom styles and classes are all available in this area.
As you can see, Jack is a great stack with lots of options. Enjoy all of the choices you have with this great stack. Now go forth and make your websites great.
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