Gyro Basic Setup

  1. When you drag your Gyro Stack out, you will see the above stack appear on your page.
  2. Now simply drag your images into the image wells displayed. All images contained in the slider need to be the same width and height.
  3. You can add more image wells with a slider in the settings HUD.
  4. Now preview and enjoy! For an overview of the remaining settings please refer to the Gyro Settings section.

Important Note on Image Width.

The Stacks Plugin by default has a maximum image width of 800 pixels. Therefore, if you place an image that is 1000 pixels wide into an image stack, the Stack Plugin will shrink it down to 800 pixels for you. However, it could be common that you would want to use an image wider than 800 pixels inside Gyro. In order to do this, you can change the maximum image width of Stacks in the image editor, by double clicking on the image and setting the maximum width to the width you need it to be.

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