Maps stacks issue with the Nick Cates Design Production Stack

We have had reports that the Nick Cates Design's Prodcution Stack and our Google Maps stack not working. Here is how you fix it and the reason why it happens.

There is a very simple conflict here. The Production stack has some styling applied to images, it's the code that controls the fading in of content. There are two workarounds for this:

Workaround 1: Simply disable "Fade-In Loading" option in the Production settings.

Production Stack Settings

Workaround 2: Use the following code in CSS tab of the Page Inspector or in the RapidWeaver 6 Site Wide code.

CSS img.map_image {opacity: 1 !important;}

The above code basically disables the fade-in effect for the map image. For some reason the map stack doesn't like the code in Production that fades in images.

The second option works with fade-in loading, this is good for the scenario you want your content to fade in.

We hope this helps with any issues.

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