How to check what version of the Foundation theme and Stack you have

A lot of times when you file a support ticket with us, we ask you what version of the Foundatino theme and Foundation stacks you have. You also might just want to know what version you have. Follow the instrutions here to find out.

Start RapidWeaver, and once that has loaded, you can either go view and down to Manage Addons
RapidWeaver View Menu

or you can hold down the Command Key and push the 7 Key. When you do this, it will open the Addons Manager window. Which will look like this:
RapidWeaver Addons Manager

In the Addons Manager there is a search window. Let's find the version for the Foundation theme first. So to find the theme version, type the word Foundation in the search window. When you do, you should see contents of the Addons Manager window change. Depending on the themes you have installed, you will see something like this:
Addons Manager Foundation Theme Search

Under the Foundation theme, a version number will be listed. You can see in the image above, that the version of the theme at the time this FAQ was made, is 1.6.2. Now this can and probably will be different over time.

Now let's find the version of the Foundation stacks. Go back to the search window and type Pack into it. The Addons widow will change. Again, depending on what stacks you have installed, you will see something like this:
Addons Manager Foundation Stacks Search

Under the Starter Pack, Pack 1 and Pack 2 will be the version number for the stack you have. The reason we have you look for the Packs and not just any Foundation stack, is because these are the stacks that check for updates when you do. (Not sure how to check for updates, see this FAQ)

This can be done for any stack, theme or plugin. As long as the developer who made the stack, theme or plugin has included the version number in their product.

Now the next time you have a support question, you can include this information in with your question before you get the response from us asking for it!

Now go forth and make your websites great!

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