A Basic Setup of the SEO Helper Stack

SEO Helper is the easiest way to implement all of the meta tags and structured meta data to give your sites the best exposure to search engines and social networks. This is a basic setup of the SEO Helper stack.

Dropping the Stack on the Page

When you first drop the SEO Helper stack onto your page you will see something like this:
SEO Helper Stack

Remember, you will need to also have the Foundation Site Styles stack on the page. The stack starts out with the Facebook Open Graph meta tags displayed. There are a lot of different meta tags for you to choose from. Below shows you the list available:
SEO Helper Stack with Metatag Choices

If you do not want the Facebook Open Graph meta tag, you can always delete it from the page. Click on the metatag inside the SEO Helper stack and you will see a black X appear on the upper left corner. Click on that to remove the Facebook Open Graph meta tag.
Closing Metatags

Metatag Settings

We will now go through each metatag setting.

Facebook Open Graph

Here is how the page and settings look for the Facebook Open Graph stack:
SEO Helper Stack with Facebook Open Graph Stack

The settings are very basic, but here is a list of what each one is:
Type - This is the type of website that you tag the page with.
Title - The Title added to the og:title meta tag
Image URL - The full url to the image added to the og:image meta tag
URL - The main ULR referenced in og:url meta tag
Description - The description added to the og:description meta tag
Site Name - The content added to og:site_name meta tag FB Username - Your facebook username

Geo Location

Here is how the page and settings look for the Geo Location stack:
SEO Helper Stack with Geo Location Stack

Here is a list of what each setting is:
Place Name - This is the name of the location the site is for.
Lattitude - This is the lattitude coordinates for the lcoation.
Longitudes - This is the longitude coordinates for the location.
Region - This is the region code for the location. Region codes can be found at http://geotags.com/iso3166/countries.html
If you need help getting the Lattitude and Longtitude codes, they are many sites out there that can help you, but one suggestion we can make is to use one of the best sites out there, MyNasaData

Page Description

Here is how the page and settings look for the Page Description stack:
SEO Helper Stack with Page Description Stack

The settings here are pretty self-explanitory, but here is a list of what each setting is:
Description - A description of what the page is about.


Here is how the page and settings look for the Robots stack:
SEO Helper Stack with Robots Stack

These settings are very easy, if you want the Robots to Index your site, check the box next to Index Site?. If you want them to Follow Links, check the box next to Follow Links?.

Structured Meta Data

Here is how the page and settings look for the Structured Meta Data stack: SEO Helper Stack with Structured Meta Data Stack

First off, if you need any information on Schema, you need to get it from here:
We can not help you decide what content you want to add to this stack, that is up to you. Onto the settings:

Schema Type (Dropdown) - You have three choices to choose from here, Organization, Social Profile and Custom. Each choice will change the settings. Depending on what the page you are working on, will determine what you want to use.
Schema Type - This is the type of schema you are going to enter, you can get different types of schema listed here
The stack settings will change, and they are too numerous to go through here, but they are very basic and easy to understand, contact us though if you do not know what to do with a specific setting. Again, we can not help you with content, but will help you with the kind of content that will go in each setting.

Twitter Card

Here is how the page and settings look for the Twitter Card Stack:
SEO Helper Stack with Twitter Card Stack

Here are the settings for the Twitter Card stack.
Card Type (Dropdown) - There are four choices. Summary, Summary (Large Image), App and Product. Depending what your page is about, will depend on what you choose for your setting.
Twitter Name - This is your Twitter username.
Title - This is the title of the page for twitter.
Description - The description that summarizes the content appropriate for presentation with a tweet. You should not re-use the title as the description or use this field to describe the general services provided by the website.
Image URL - This has to be a hosted image. It should be an image that represents the unique content of that page and should not be a generic image like a logo or author photo. The size of the image is minimum 120x120 and must be less than 1MB in size. The image will be cropped to a square on all platforms.

Page Speed

Here is how the page and settings look for the Page Speed Stack:
SEO Helper Stack with Page Speed

This stack only has one setting in it and that is a checkbox for Cloudflare's Rocket loader. If you are not using Cloudflare, we suggest you uncheck this box.

This has been an introduction to the SEO Helper stack. Hopefully it will help you understand this stack a little better.

Now go forth and make your websites great!

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