Reveal Lightbox - Launching a lightbox with a text link

It is very easy to launch a Reveal Lightbox stack with a text link. First, you need to add a Reveal Lightbox stack.
Reveal Lightbox Stack
Next you need to go to the stack settings and check the box marked Launch External?
Reveal Lightbox Stack Settings
When you check this box, two things happen. In the Stack Settings, a Reveal ID setting. You will want to change this setting to something easy to remember, as you will need it to launch the lightbox. The second thing that changes is the look of the stack. The Launcher Content area will disappear.
Reveal Lightbox Stack
Now add the content into the stack and add your text (like a paragraph stack). Highlight the text you want to use as a link, and click on the green add a link button. Once the button is clicked, you will see a sheet drop down. In the URL area, put javascript: void(0). Then you need to add one custom attribute, with Name of data-reveal-id and a Value will be what you entered as your Reveal ID in the stack settings. In the example below, we kept the ID myReveal, so that is what we used, but you will want to use what you entered.
Reveal Link Settings
Now preview the page and click on your link and the lightbox will "Reveal" itself!!

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