Sometimes you might see an error saying that either the Foundation Theme or the Foundation stacks are out of date. Here are some tips for you to get Foundation working right.
First we are gong to look at the Foundation stacks. This is the easiest check. First, open RapidWeaver. Then add a stacks page to your project (or open a project file that has a stacks page on it).
Next, you will want to open the Stacks Library. The Library is a small cube icon () located above the stack content area.
Click on that icon to open the library. On the bottom of the library, there is an update button. You can see in the screenshot below, that that button is actually indicating there are stack updates available.
The Stacks plugin will automatically check for updates one time a day. You can manually check for updates as well. There is also two options for updating. You can update all of the stacks, or just update the stacks you want to update.
You can also check the Addons Manager and see what version of Foundation stacks you have installed. Here is how you do that. First you need to hold down the command key and push the 7 key. When you do, you will see something like this:
In the search box inside the Addons Manager you can type the word Pack. This should give you a screen that looks like this:
The three packs (Addon Pack 1, Addon Pack 2, & Starter Pack) are stacks that you should not see in the stack library. These are the stacks that check for updates. Underneath each pack should list a version number. The current stacks version number is listed on the main Foundation Docs Page
There are a few things that can cause this issue with the Foundation Theme. Here are some ways to correct it.
Theme Version Installed
One of the reasons you might get this issue is because you have an older version of the theme installed, let's find out if you do. First, let us open that Addons Manager againby holding down the command key and pushing the 7 key. When it opens, you will want to type the word Foundation into the search box. When you do, you should see something similar to this screenshot:
You might only have 1 theme, but the version of the theme will again be listed beneath the theme itself, just like the stacks. Why are there two themes listed in my screenshot above? We have the FoundationRTL theme installed, this theme is used for cultures that read Right to Left. Any new installation of Foundation will get both themes installed.
The only place to find the current version of the theme is the Foundation Release notes. The release notes are mainly for stacks updates, but Joe also adds when the theme gets updated as well. You might have to go back a few releases to find the latest version of the theme, but it is the only place (as of now) that lists what version is the latest.
If you need to get the latest version of the theme, you can get it here:
Multiple Copies of the theme installed Sometimes the theme may get installed more than once. This happens if you download multiple copies and leave them in your download folder. Here is how you can figure out if you have more than one theme installed. First, open RapidWeaver. Once it is open hold down the Command & Option keys, then push the 7 key. This will open up the addons folder where RapidWeaver installs all of the addons. Inside this folder, you will see any plugins (like the Stacks plugin) you have installed as well as some folders. One of the folders you will see is called Themes. Find that folder and open it. The best way to find anything in this folder is to set it to view as a list. Once it is in a list, it should be in alphabetical order. Find Foundation.rwtheme (you may also see FoundationRTL.rwtheme). If you see more than one of them installed, then you know what the issue is (they will be named something like Foundation 2.rwtheme or Foundaiton-2.rwtheme). We suggest you delete all the Foundation.rwtheme files, then use the link above to redownload the latest version of the theme and install it in the themes folder. You will also want to restart RapidWeaver.
If you have any questions, please send us an email to support(at)joeworkman(dot)net
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