The Foundation theme for Rapidweaver is built using Zurb's Foundation Framework. We looked at many of the other frameworks before we came to the conclusion that Foundation was the correct framework. Here is why we think Foundation is the framework to choose.
Zurb has been around since 1998 and is a very reputable company. The Foundation framework is currently at version 5.4, so it has been tested and proven to be a good stable framework. They also are a thriving online community. They have a good docs system which is a great resource. They also have an active forum community, which is very active with people asking and helping Zurb make Foundation that much better and more stable framework.
Zurb is located in the San Francisco area. Joe has actually been to the headquarters two times and met with the people that work there. He is actively contributing to the Zurb framework, by fixing issues and (yes, even this), mistakes he finds from time to time.
One of their greatest assets is their active role in socail networks. They have two very active twitter feeds:
• Zurb Company Account
• Zurb Foundation Account
They also have an active facebook page
With these social accounts, they reach out to their users, giving tips not just on Foundation, but on other web ideas. If you decide to go with our theme and use Twitter or Facebook, we strongly suggest you follow these accounts. They are an awesome resource.
Zurb also has a very active blog, they post to it almost everyday. This is another valuable resource that can help you in using our theme.
If you are wondering if you should choose our Foundation theme, do the research first. Start off with the links we provided above. Then research the other frameworks that some of the other Stack Based themes are based on
• Pure - Made by Yahoo and the framework behind the 1LD Pure Theme.
• Bootstrap - Made by Twitter and the framework behind the Yabdab BootSnap3
• FreeStacks - Based on Blueball Designs years of making Rapidweaver themes.
Look at how actively they support the framework, do they have as much activity on social networks? Do they have an active blog? We belive if you do all of the research, you will come to the same conclusion that we do, that Foundation is the best Framework to make a Stacks based theme on. It is strong, robust and actively growing!
Now go forth and make your website great!
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