Easily export your database

If you are using the database feature of the Foundation Forms stack, there is a simple way to export them from within your published website. Follow the easy instructions below.

  1. First, you need to be sure to have changed some settings in the Form Base stack. In the MySQL Setup settings, be sure to check the box marked Insert into DB on Submit?
    Form Base MySQL Settings
    When you do this, the settings will change the way it looks to what you see below.
    Form Base MySQL Settings
    Now choose an Export Username and an Export Password and enter them into the appropriate fields. You can keep or change the Export Hash Key, that is up to you. The export hash key is the key needed to export your data. Just go to your contact page and add a hash symbol and the Export Hash Key at the end of the URL and it will then ask for your Export Username and Password, enter those and your data will download as a .csv file. Below is an example of how your URL should look.

Now go forth and make your websites great!

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