Can I use a blog with Foundation?

You can not use the blog page that comes with Rapidweaver, but there are alternatives out there. The first two are options that come from Joe Workman. The rest below

Total Blog

Our first option is the Total CMS stacks, as it comes with a blog set of stacks. You can see an example of what the blog looks like on our Total CMS Demo Page. We would also suggest watching these videos:

Getting Started with Foundation and Total CMS - You can watch videos 4-6 if you are only interested in Total CMS and Blog

Total CMS Blog Overview for RapidWeaver

Total CMS and Blog have been made for all themes of RapidWeaver, but they work very well especially with Foundation, so this is the BEST option out there.

Tumblr Stack

Another option is Joe's Tumblr Stack. Joe's Tumblr stack will import your Tumblr blog onto a stacks page. Visit our docs page about Tumblr if you want to learn more about this stack.

Non-Joe Workman Solutions

Our next suggestion is to use Nimblehost's Armadillo Stack. Armadillo is a CMS/blogging tool.

Another option is to use Blueball Design's RW/Writer. This is a blogging service that will import a blog onto a stacks page. There is a monthly or yearly fee with this service.

The last way to add a blog to your Foundation page is to get Yourhead's RapidBlog and Pluskit plugins for RapidWeaver and use Pluskit as a way to import the RapidBlog page into a stacks page.

People have also used Pluskit to incorporate the standard RapidWeaver blog into their sites, but it leaves a lot of stuff missing from the blog.

If you know of any other ways to incorporate a blog into Foundation, we would be glad to hear it.

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