It is very easy to give your Foundation website a background slideshow. Once you drop a site styles stack onto your page, click on it and look at the stack settings. Find the settings named Foundation - Site Background.
Change the type from Solid Color to Slideshow (Warehouse) and the settings will change to look something like this:
You can only warehouse images for a slideshow, there is no drag and drop option. As of now, you can use 1-5 images, by adding a link to the numbers that you want. If you only want 3 images, only add image links to Image 1, Image 2 and Image 3. You can still add an Overlay to the background by dropping an overlay onto the image well in the stack settings. Read more about Background Overlays here.
You can add a slideshow with any Site Styles stack, either a plain site styels stack or a global site styles stack. IF you only want a slideshow on one page though, you will have to use a plain site styles stack on the page you want the slideshow on. Now you have a rotating background slideshow.
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