There is an app called Direct Mail which is an emailing app by E3 Software. This is a tutorial on how to use Mail with the Direct Mail app.
I will not be going through how to make an email with the Mail stacks, you can find other tutorials or videos for that. This will show you what to do with the code you get from the Mail stacks.
Once you have your email ready to go, you need to add the Inliner stack onto your page. You will want to put the Inliner stack under the Style Stack.
Now that you have the Inliner stack in the RapidWeaver project, you need to preview your page. WHen you do, it will look like this:
You will want to copy the code that is in the Inlined Email section of the lightbox that pops up. This is the HTML code that you will use to make the email. Once you have the code, you need to paste it into an text app, one that does not add any formatting to the code. We suggest you use Sublime Text or Text Wrangler. Both are outstanding text editors. Here is a screenshot of what that code looks like inside Sublime Text.
Once you paste in your code, you will want to save your file. You can name it anything your want, just be sure it is saved as a .html file.
Now that the file is saved, you need to open up Direct Mail. Create a new message. Do NOT choose a template for this message. Next go to the menu bar and find Message. Under that you want to find Import from File...
When you select Import from File... you get an option to choose the HTML file. You will want to find the HTML file you made with the text editor. Find this file and click on Open
Once you do this, you should see the same email you made inside RapidWeaver. Here are two screenshots. The first will be the preview in RapidWeaver, the second will be what it looks like in Direct Mail.
Direct Mail
Now you just need to continue what you would normally do inside Direct Mail to send your email out ot the people you want to send it to. This is not a tutorial on how to do that, so if you do not know how to use Direct Mail, you will need to learn from their site.
This is how you integrate the Direct Mail software and the Email stacks. We hope this has helped you out and given you some great informaiton.
Now go forth and make your emails great!
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