Here is a nice snippet so you can easily add to any button stack to mute or unmute an Eclipse video.
Copy & Paste JavaScript into the Page Inspector
stacks.jQuery('.eclipse-video video').prop('muted',!stacks.jQuery('video').prop('muted'))'
Setup Link Class
Now you just need to add "eclipse-mute" class to a link and it will magically mute/unmute Eclipse
Hint, we suggest you use this with the Sweet Button. The reason we say to use Sweet Button is because it has two different states, a normal state and a toggle state. Then just set the button to be a Font Awesome icon, with no text. For normal, we suggest you use the volume up Font Awesome icon (fa-volume-up) and for clicked state, we suggest you use the volume off Font Awesome icon (fa-volume-off).
Here is what the buttons would look like:
Normal State
Clicked State
Now go forth and make your websites great!
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