Call to Action - Basic Setup

Call to Action Stack in RapidWeaver

  1. This is what you will see when you drag a Call to Action stack onto a stacks page.
  2. There are no contents within the stack itself that you need to edit (unless you use a click trigger, more on that below). Here is a screenshot of the defaul settings.
    Call to Action Stack Settings
  3. The first thing you need to do is to determine what kind of trigger that you want to use. There are four types of triggers. Scroll, Click, Enter and Exit. Clicking on each one will bring up different settings for that trigger. Here are screenshots of the settings for each trigger.
    Scroll Settings
    Call to Action Scroll Settings
    Click Settings
    Call to Action Click Settings
    Enter Settings
    Call to Action Enter Settings
    Exit Settings
    Call to Action Exit Settings
  4. Once you have a trigger, you need to choose a Call to Action. As of right now, there are 9 different actions that you can call, they are listed below:
    Call to Action List of Actions
  5. Now you need to choose an Occurance. You can choose Once Per Page Load, Once Per Session, Once Per Time Period or Only Once.
  6. The last option you have, is the Tracker option. This will allow you to track these events with your favorite tracking software. We have included the main ones (Google, Piwik, GoSquared, and Clicky) plus there is a Custom option, but you will have to figure how to add any custom JS code for any other tracking software out there, we will not help you figure this out.
  7. You can not preview this stack, you will need to publish the page to see it work. For an overview of the remaining settings please refer to the Call to Action Settings section. You can check out the Preview Page or download the Demo Project File.

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